10th Weekend Of The Fall Gardening Season

Gardening by the Moon Weekend To-Do

An idea as old as agriculture, based both folklore and superstition but there are scientific ideas to back it up.

  • Lunar Phase: Monday, November 11: Veteran's Day: Full Moon Friday, November 15
    • Saturday- Sunday:  Moon in the sign of Aquarius/Pisces - Best all-around planting days
      • Landscape trees, shrubs, and ground covers can be planted as long as the ground is not muddy.  But don't expect much new growth until next spring.

Later in the Week

  • Tuesday-Thursday: Moon in the sign of Aries/Taurus - Harvest root crops and plant seasonal  color
    • With the growing season concluded, plant seasonal colors close to one another to prevent the area from looking sparse during winter.  This is an ideal time to plant Flowering Kale and Cabbage, as the cool temperatures enhance the vivid colors.
Other Things To-do
  • It's still early enough to spray Peaches and Nectarines with a Copper Fungicide for Peach Leaf Curl.  This is followed up in January/February with a second application,
  • And finally, replace any broken splash blocks or those that have disappeared and clean out the gutters before the rainy season begins.